New Report: Overview and key findings COVID-19 restrictions and the impact on criminal justice and human rights (Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, South Africa & Zambia)

By L Muntingh, J Mangwanda, K Petersen, T Lorizzo and V Petrovic

This report makes a number of overview observations dealing with broader issues of governance, human rights, the socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and the criminal justice system. A central lesson to be taken from these findings is the need for continued vigilance in seeking a balancing of rights and the importance of evidence-based policy-making, especially where there is the potential that those already socio-economically vulnerable may be pushed deeper into poverty.

The Overview report can be found here

The annexures can be found here:




South Africa, and


ACJR wishes to acknowledge the Open Society Foundations and the Sigrid Rausing Trust for making the research and webinar possible.

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