Engaged research, teaching and advocacy on governance and human rights in Africa
Policy Developments in South African Correctional Services 1994 - 2002 (Research Paper no. 1)The period 1994 to 2002 in South African Correctional Services history is reviewed in this paper and was prompted by the apparent confusion characterizing correctional policy during this period. During this period substantial policy changes were adopted, such as the privatization of prisons, but with limited debate and oversight. The paper records for historical purposes important trends and mistakes made during this period, but also serve as a clear reminder of the importance of transparent knowledge-based policy development.https://dullahomarinstitute.org.za/acjr/resource-centre/Policy%20Developments%20in%20South%20African%20Correctional%20Services%201994%20-%202002%20%28Research%20Paper%20no.%201%29.pdf/viewhttps://dullahomarinstitute.org.za/acjr/resource-centre/Policy%20Developments%20in%20South%20African%20Correctional%20Services%201994%20-%202002%20%28Research%20Paper%20no.%201%29.pdf/@@download/image/Policy_overview_No_1.jpg
Policy Developments in South African Correctional Services 1994 - 2002 (Research Paper no. 1)
The period 1994 to 2002 in South African Correctional Services history is reviewed in this paper and was prompted by the apparent confusion characterizing correctional policy during this period. During this period substantial policy changes were adopted, such as the privatization of prisons, but with limited debate and oversight. The paper records for historical purposes important trends and mistakes made during this period, but also serve as a clear reminder of the importance of transparent knowledge-based policy development.