
This section contains a brief description of the legal system of Togo.

Togo became independent of French-administered UN trusteeship on 27 April 1960. A new constitution in 1961 established an executive president, elected for 7 years by universal suffrage, and a National Assembly.

General Gnassingbe Eyadema installed as military ruler in 1967 ruled Togo for almost four decades. Despite multiparty elections instituted in the early 1990s, the government was largely dominated by President Eyadema, whose Rally of the Togolese People (RPT) party has maintained power almost continually since 1967 and maintains a majority of seats in the legislature.

Upon Eyadema's death in February 2005, the military installed the president's son, Faure Gnassingbe, who was forced to step down due to international pressure. Her was formally elected two months later in a disputed election.

Democratic gains since then allowed Togo to hold its first relatively free and fair legislative elections in October 2007. Faure Gnassingbe remains President.


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