Webinar: The NPA that we want, 17 October 2022
- https://dullahomarinstitute.org.za/acjr/events/webinar-the-npa-that-we-want-17-october-2022
- Webinar: The NPA that we want, 17 October 2022
- 2022-10-17T12:00:00+02:00
- 2022-10-17T13:30:00+02:00
- Under the current National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP) four core values were articulated, being professionalism, independence, accountability and credibility. What do any of these values look like in practice and how will we know when we see it?
- What Events ACJR Event
- When 17 Oct, 2022 from 12:00 PM to 01:30 PM (Africa/Johannesburg / UTC200)
- Where Zoom Meeting
- Contact Name Crystal Nitsckie
- Contact Phone +27219593701
- Web Visit external website
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Much of the media attention given to the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) is centred on high-level corruption investigations, especially linked to the Zondo Commission’s findings and recommendations. While this is important, it should also be asked what happens at ground-level in our courts where ordinary cases are heard on a daily basis. The question can indeed be asked: What are our expectations of the NPA when having to engage with the criminal justice system as a victim, witness or even an accused? Do we know what we want from the NPA in real and practical terms?
Under the current National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP) four core values were articulated, being professionalism, independence, accountability and credibility. What do any of these values look like in practice and how will we know when we see it?
In June and July 2022 ACJR commissioned a series of consultation workshops with stakeholders to discuss these questions and develop descriptions of “the NPA that we want”. The consultations yielded valuable observations and insights, demonstrating on the one hand that people generally have a deep understanding of the challenges facing the NPA and, on the other hand, clear understandings of what they expect of the NPA, especially as these relate to the four core values of professionalism, independence, accountability, and credibility.
- Prof Lukas Muntingh, Presenting the key findings from the stakeholder consultations
- Adv Anton Du Plessis (Deputy National Director of Public Prosecutions: Strategy, Operations and Compliance); Response from the NPA
- Dr Jean Redpath, Discussant
- Adv Rodney De Kock (Deputy National Director of Public Prosecutions: National Prosecutions Service); Response from the NPA
ACJR wishes to acknowledge the Open Society Foundations and the Sigrid Rausing Trust for making this webinar possible.