Volume 10, Issue 3, July/August 2008.

The Demise of Local Democracy?
Author: Johan Mettler
The recent electricity hikes have affected everyone from government to the private sector, and not least of all, the ordinary man on the street. As organs of state, municipalities, Eskom, the National Energy Regulator and the Minister of Finance may not act outside of the law. This article raises concerns about the legality of the electricity increases and the implications it has for local government.
Local Government Bulletin lgb-policy-framework
From the Courta: Who Can Suspend the Municipal Manager?
Author: Reuben Baartjies
Section 56 of the Municipal Structures Act provides that the Executive Mayor is obliged to perform duties and exercise such powers as the council may delegate in terms of section 59 of the Municipal Systems Act. Section 55 of the Systems Act deals with the obligations of municipal managers and provides that the municipal manager is accountable only to the municipal council.
Local Government Bulletin lgb-governance
Guidelines For Multilingualism in Local Government.
Author: Leah Cohen
The Department of Provincial and Local Government recently announced draft Guidelines for Implementing Multilingualism in Local Government. The draft Guidelines attempt to provide for more systematic arrangements in meeting the linguistic needs of those who lack proficiency in English, or who are illiterate or disabled.
Local Government Bulletin lgb-policy-framework
Land Use Management Bill: A First Step Toward Ending Spatial Fragmentation.
Author: Leah Cohen
The Department of Land Affairs has tabled the long-awaited Land Use Management Bill, No 27 of 2008 (the Bill). The Bill, scheduled to be passed this year, attempts to give effect to the 2001 White Paper on Spatial Planning and Land Use Management by establishing a coherent regulatory framework for land use management across the country. It is designed to clarify land use management roles among different spheres of government and establish a uniform structure and set of principles for reviewing and deciding development applications.
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Legal Brief
Author: MLGI(Community Law Centre)
Who is liable to pay the municipal accounts of defaulting tenants?
Local Government Bulletin lgb-municipal-expenditure
Local AIDS Councils: New Developments Toward Better Functioning.
Author: Marije Versteeg
Despite their potential to advise, support and strengthen local government in its response to HIV and AIDS epidemic, many local and district AIDS council are struggling to fulfil this role. This article reflects on a recent event, aimed at looking at the effectiveness of AIDS councils and ways of strengthening their performance. It is also a follow-up to the article on AIDS councils in the August 2007 issue of the Bulletin.
lgb-health-trade-policing Local Government Bulletin
Local Governance in Zambia.
Author: Bornwell C. Chikuko
In post-independence Zambia, governments have sought to design and implement decentralised democratic local governance to facilitate wider participation by the citizentry and service delivery. This article provides an overview of the constitutional and legislative framework for local government in Zambia.
Local Government Bulletin lgb-local-government-africa
The Constitutionalisation of Local Government.
Author: Justice Pius Langa
In the last decade we have seen a shift in the way local government is conceived-socially, politically and in the legal context. The changes status of local government has been evident in the courts and the increased judicial scrutiny of the activities by the institutions of local government.
lgb-powers-functions Local Government Bulletin
Ward Committes Revisited.
Author: Prof Jaap de Visser
Parliament has nearly completed its work on the local Government Laws Amendment Bill which was tabled towards the end of 2007. Many of its provisions are technical in nature and serve to clarify local government laws. However, some provisions are very important from a policy perspective. The most significant changes are discussed in this article.
Local Government Bulletin lgb-governance

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