Latest Bulletin

Volume 19, Issue 2, June 2024
Author: Tinashe
Published: 03 Jun, 2024
The PAIA barrier to access municipal records: Is this right?
Author: Johandri Wright

Municipalities are required to share an assortment of records and information with the public. There are multiple reasons behind this mandate, but the most important one is to promote transparency and, by implication, public participation in governance.

The conduct of men: The biggest barrier for women leadership in local government
Author: LGSETA

The success of local government depends on, among other good governance principles, ethical and accountable political and administrative leadership. Research conducted by the University of the Free State (2024), on behalf of the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA), assessed the competencies and constraints on optimal performance of appointed and elected women leaders in the local government.

Enhancing evidenced based human resource development implementation capabilities in local government
Author: LGSETA

The Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA) commissioned the University of the Free State (2024) to assess the applicability of evidenced based human resource development (HRD) practices for local government. The study concluded that HRD is not being effectively measured and managed despite the 26-year-old enabling HRD legislative framework comprising of the Skills Development Act of 1998 and the Employment Equity Act of 1998.

The Supreme Court reaffirms municipalities' power to cut electricity supply to combat non-payment
Author: Curtly Stevens

The problem of non-payment for municipal services, such as water and electricity, and the termination of those services due to non-payment has once again gained the spotlight. In  City of Tshwane v Vresthena Pty Ltd, the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) had to determine whether a municipality could be interdicted from implementing its credit control by-laws, which provides for the termination of electricity supply in the event of non-payment.

The role of municipal leadership in accelerating transformation and service delivery
Author: LGSETA

Municipal leadership is a driver of transformation and an agent of improved service delivery in South African municipalities. A study commissioned by the Local Government Sector Education and Training Authority (LGSETA) established that, despite various efforts to transform municipalities and enhance service delivery through effective leadership, evidence suggests that local government leadership faces many challenges that impede its efforts to transform and improve service delivery.

Call for comments on the Proposed Revised National Standards of Policing for Municipal Police Services
Author: Africa Criminal Justice Reform

The National Commissioner of Police has called for comments on the Proposed Revised National Standards of Policing for Municipal Police Services with regard to, firstly, crowd management during gatherings and demonstrations and, secondly, the arrest and treatment of an arrested person until such person is handed over to a community service centre commander.

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