The establishment of new municipalities is on our doorstep and it is crucial that certain financial and other related issues be addressed as a matter of extreme of urgency.
The establishment of new municipalities is on our doorstep and it is crucial that certain financial and other related issues be addressed as a matter of extreme of urgency.
The final stage of local government transformation commences formally with the holding of the first meeting of the newly elected councils.
This is an edited version of a framework document, dated 11 October 2000 and prepared jointly by the Municipal Demarcation Board and the Department of Provincial and Local Government.
The Structures Amendment Act 33 has of 2000 allocated functions that were traditionally local municipalities functions to district municipalities.
The municipal elections on 5 December will allow us to begin to set in place a new, democratic, non-racial municipal order.
On 26 July 2000, Minister Mufamadi established a Special Task Team for the Establishment of Municipalities (STT) to assist provinces in dealing with problem areas pertaining to the establishment process.
The position of traditional leaders in local government was the last hurdle that had to be crossed before the election date could be announced by the Minister of Provincial and Local Government.