Bulletin Archives

Volume 8, Issue 5, November 2006.
Author: MLGI(Community Law Centre)
Published: 09 Oct, 2017
Calming the "Cape storm" Intergovernmental Relations in Action.
Author: Omolobake Akintan

The highly politicised dispute in the City if Cape Town about a proposed change in the system of governance from an executive mayoral system to an executive committee system was finally resolved by an agreement between Mayor Helen Zille and MEC Richard Dyantyi. The dispute settlement mediated by Minister Sydney Mufamadi is a good illustration of how the intergovernmental Relations Framework operates in practice.

Executive Commitees: Proportional or Fair Representation?
Author: Omolabake Akintan

The recent debate over plans to change the type of government in the City of Cape Town raised some interesting questions about the composition of executive committees. It is often assumed that am executive committee must be based on proportional representation, with seats automatically assigned according to the representation of each party in the municipal council. While this is possible and in most cases desirable, the courts have held that it is an option open to the municipal council but not an imperative.

HIV & AIDS: Why and How Local Government Must Respond.
Author: Marije Versteeg

The epidemic, its prevention and its consequences require coordinated responses of all institutions and sectors involved in municipal development. While municipalities may need further guidance through national programmes to know how to respond, the municipal management gas to ensure that appropriate measures are being implemented on the ground.

Municipalities and Clean Development Mechanism Projects.
Author: Kate Reynolds

Landfill sites are excellent opportunities for municipalities to develop Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects, but the window of opportunity for municipalities to do is limited. What are the phases or steps in the development of a CDM project?

The Practice of Premier's Intergovernmental Forums
Author: Yonatan Tesfaye Fessha

The Intergovernmental Relations Framework Act, which came into effect on 15 August 2005, requires that all provinces must have established Premier's Intergovernmental Forums within one year of the Act coming into operation. That year has come and gone. Have the PIF's been established? Are they functioning as envisaged by the Act?

Volume 8, Issue 4, September 2006.
Author: MLGA (Community Law Centre)
Published: 27 Sep, 2017
EU-Africa strategy: A way out of poverty?
Author: Dr Jaap de Visser

The Good Governance Learning Network is a loose network of South African NGO's that focuses on promoting good governance. It is funded by the Ford Foundation and supported by other funding partners such as the Charles Stewart Mott Foundation and the Open Society Foundation for South Africa.

Making Headlines
Author: Mail & Guardian Article

Gauteng has officially been declared a global city region. It is set to become the 12th largest metropolitan settlement in the world by 2015. Gauteng is already recognised as a global city region with a population of over 9.5 million people and the fourth largest economy in Africa. It contributes more than a third of the country's GDP.

Municipalities and Clean Development Projects.
Author: Kate Reynolds

The emission of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere is a major factor in climate change. The most recent scientific evidence shows that global warming is happening at an alarming and increasing rate.

The Duty to Involve the Public: The Constitutional Court Speaks.
Author: Geraldine Mettler

The Constitutional Twelfth Amendment Act altered the basis for determining provincial boundaries and resulted in, among other things, in the changing of provincial boundaries between Kwazulu-Natal and the Eastern Cape. It effectively relocated the local municipality of Matatiele from Sisonke District Municipality in KwaZulu Natal to the Alfred Nzo District Municipality in the Eastern Cape and relocated Umzimkhulu Local Municipality from Alfred Nzo District Municipality into the Sisonke District Municipality in KwaZulu Natal.

Stepping Stones and Stumbling Blocks: Changing Municipal Boundaries.
Author: Annette Christmas

The Municipal Demarcation Board (MDB) is entrusted with the often difficult task of demarcating municipal boundaries. Disputes around cross-boundary municipalities and the changing of municipal boundaries have recently been the focus of violent protests by communities affected by these decisions. The MDB recently published a proposal about the incorporation of the Paarl, Wellington, Stellenbosch and Drakenstein municipalities into the Cape Town Metropolitan Municipality. The notice attracted much attention in the media and raised important questions around how the MDB engages with proposals received from the public.

The State of Our Cities.
Author: Omalabake Akintan

The South African Cities Network recently released its 2006 State of the Cities Report. This report is an update of the 2004 report, which looked at how cities were confronting the challenges of the post-apartheid era. The 2006 report focuses on the trends in municipal governance between 2001 and 2006. It also provides an in depth analysis of some of the challenges that municipalities face and outlines policy options available to them in addressing these challenges.

When Everything is Political: A Customer Care Model For Local Government.
Author: Martin Nicol

A mayor was called to a community meeting. People had been promised houses, but where were they? The mayor had no houses handy and she had not made the promise, but the people were angry. One man got up and threatened to drive out those who had been allocated houses in a neighbouring development. Conflict was in the air. The mayor listened. She had no magic solution to this problem, but she listened and show the people that she understood. She did not solve the problem but she did defuse the crisis.

Volume 8, Issue 3, July 2006
Author: MLGA (Community Law Centre)
Published: 27 Sep, 2017
Commonwealth Local Government Meets.
Author: Reuben Baatjies

The Commonwealth Local Government Forum is the voice of local government in the commonwealth, representing local authorities, local government ministries, local government associations, NGO's and other local government stakeholders.

District Intergovernmental Forums: Best Practices From the Past
Author: Coel Kirkby

By August 2006, all district municipalities must have established district intergovernmental forums. The intergovernmental Relation Framework Act of 2005 prescribed these forums to provide a framework for co-operation and co-ordination between districts and their locals.

From the Courts: Extending Municipal Managers Contracts
Author: Professor Nico Steytler

The Change of government in the City of Cape Town Metropolitan Council has also seen a change in the office of the municipal manager. Although the decision of the Cape High Court in Mgoqi v City of Cape Town dealt with a number of issues, at the core of the dispute was whether the the outgoing mayor could have extended the contract of the then municipal manager, Wallace Mgoqi.

Legal Briefs: Proportional Leadership?
Author: Prof Nico Steytler

Let's say that in a collective executive system, Party A has 37 councillors, Party B has 13 and Party C has one. The Executive Committee has 10 Members and five standing committees. Is Party B entitled to chair a standing committee on the basis of proportionality.

Local Government: A Key Player in the Build-Up to 2010.
Author: Reuben Baatjies

With the FIFA World Cup in Germany now over, four billion eyes will turn to South Africa and its cities to judge their readiness to host the prestigious event in 2010. Over 350 000 visitors are expected to descend to on the country to join 2.7 million local spectators for 43 days to watch some of the best national soccer teams in the world.

Managing Expectations While Commiting to Improved Service.
Author: Zenobia Africa

The writing of the Buffalo City Service Charter was an iterative process that involved a cross-section of officials in the municipality. During the sessions, the measurability of the promises and pledges on quality was hotly debated. Officials agreed that in the case of some services, like water and sanitation, there are national standards with which they have to comply.

Tying Municipal Manager's Pay to Performance.
Author: Yonatan Tesfaye Fessha

Municipal managers are well paid-too well, it has sometimes been argued. Many wonder why the head public servants of local government should earn more than mayors, or in some cases even the President. The remuneration of managers became a hot issue in the run-up to the recent local government elections. the Department of Provincial and Government recently gazetted new regulations on the performance and remuneration of municipal managers.

Volume 8, Issue 2, May 2006.
Author: MLGI(Community Law Centre)
Published: 27 Sep, 2017
Edging Toward 50/50: The Final Score
Author: Reuben Baatjies

This year's elections marked a step forward for woman's representation in local government, but it stopped short of the goal of equal gender representation set out in the White Paper for local government. That said, However, the number of woman councillors elected has increased significantly from 29% in 2000 to 40% in this year's election.

Keep It Local
Author: Dr Jaap de Visser

Local democracy is a cornerstone of the new South African State. The Constitution says that local government will provide democratic and accountable government for local communities. Municipalities will build local democracy, which means that the municipal community has the opportunity to elect representatives into office and hold them accountable for their performance. A few examples of recent political party decisions are discussed and compared with the ideals of strong local government.

Legal Briefs: When Does A Councillor Take Office?
Author: Prof Nico Steytler

Does a candidate become a councillor on the day of the election or on the day that he or she is sworn in? This matter is important in relation to matters such as remuneration. It also arise during the council's term when a vacancy in the council is filled.

Managing District-Local Municipal Relations.
Author: Professor Nico Steytler

The Relationship between district and local municipalities varies from cordial and cooperative to conflictual and unproductive. What causes this conflict and ultimately poor service delivery? Can it be managed? The new intergovernmental Relations Framework tries to solve this problem by establishing district intergovernmental forums.

Salaries Scale Upwards For Mayors, Managers and Councillors.
Author: Yonatan Tesfaye Fessha

National government recently gazetted new and bigger remuneration packages for municipal councillors. The proposal sees a big jump in salaries for all office-bearers, especially part-time councillors. However, some dangers lurk in the changes for rural councils and voters in poorer communities.

Tackling Silositis: The Division Disease.
Author: Anja Benseler

When examining failure of local government to deliver services, a lack of funds and lack of capacity, the failure to spend allocated budgets and lagging repairs and maintenance are found to be the usual culprits for poor municipal performance and accumulating backlogs.

The District Health System: Place and Role of Local Government.
Author: Dr Wendy Hall

The National Health Act 61 of 2003 ushered in a new era in the development of South Africa's health system. Health sector reforms in South Africa are geared towards a comprehensive and integrated national health system, based on the primary health care approach and delivered thorough the a district health system. The Act envisages a municipality based district health system and thus has significant implications for local government.

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