Technical Note Civic Protests Barometer 2007-2014
This research study presents information on the frequency and the nature of service delivery protests throughout South Africa. The study as a whole draws on different methods for two periods. The first period dates from the inception of the study in 2007 until the end of 2011. During this phase the barometer was know and the Municipal Service Delivery Protest Barometer. Shot 2020-03-31 at 7.53.46 PM.png
Technical Note Civic Protests Barometer 2007-2014
This research study presents information on the frequency and the nature of service delivery protests throughout South Africa. The study as a whole draws on different methods for two periods. The first period dates from the inception of the study in 2007 until the end of 2011. During this phase the barometer was know and the Municipal Service Delivery Protest Barometer.