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African School on Decentralisation (ASD)

The African School on Decentralisation, presented by African and international scholars and practitioners, examines the basic concepts and practice of decentralisation in African countries from comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives.

It aims to give content to, and promote the African Union’s Charter on the Values and Principles of Decentralisation, Local Governance and Local Development which, having been adopted in 2014, is yet to come into operation. It also seeks to create a platform for knowledge-sharing on the vast array of issues affecting and/or arising out of decentralisation in Africa thus contributing towards increased knowledge and research outputs, policy innovation and the promotion of good governance.

The School will offer courses based on revolving themes drawn from contemporary issues concerning decentralisation in Africa. It will include lectures, interactive panel discussions, case studies and study visits to institutions of decentralisation. At the end of the course, a general assessment will be administered and a postgraduate certificate issued to the participants jointly by the two hosting Universities.


The overarching goal of the African School on Decentralisation is to provide a two-week international post-graduate course on decentralisation in Africa to government officials, post graduate students, members of local and international non-governmental organisations, practitioners as well as other participants with an interest in decentralisation in Africa.

In providing this course, the African School on Decentralisation’s principal objectives are to:

  • create a platform for knowledge-sharing on the vast issues affecting and/or arising out of decentralisation in Africa, thus contributing towards increased knowledge, research outputs as well as innovation.
  • create and maintain an active practitioner and scholarly network (Alumni) across the African continent for purposes of knowledge-sharing and the execution of joint projects.
  • create a pool of literature for reference by African states considering the adoption of decentralisation as part of the African Union’s push for adoption of the African Union Charter on Decentralisation.
  • open African systems of decentralisation to consistent scrutiny by researchers thus providing room for policy innovation and the promotion of good governance.
  • give content to and contribute towards the operationalisation of the African Union Charter on Decentralisation.
  • contribute towards processes of peace-making, state-building and development in Africa.
  • locate the African decentralisation experience within the global discourse of decentralisation.

Contact Us

Postal Address

South African Research Chair in Multilevel Government, Law and Development
Dullah Omar Institute for Constitutional Law, Governance and Human Rights
University of the Western Cape
Private Bag X17

For any queries please contact

Dr Henry Paul Gichana
Tel: +27 (0)21 959 2950 / 51 


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