Ojo Victoria Olayide & Uwede Meshack Okezi- Babcock University

Rethinking the Nigerian constitutio: The way forward

This paper examines the several problems and inconsistencies within the 1999 Constitution (as amended) 2011, these problems are approached both theoretically and pragmatically in discussion with a view to propose probable reforms for the better governance of the people and ensuring the correctness in the current operating legal system. This work also discusses certain areas of the Constitution, justifying their positions and the necessity to have them as we move forward. An attempt has been made to justify the proposals using several cases of impracticability of these sections of the Constitution that stand defective for the future of the Nigerian State. The methodology is library based, physical and virtual.

About Ojo Victoria Olayide

Ojo Victoria Olayide is a Research Assistant at the Babcock University School of Law and Security Studies. She attended Obafemi Awolowo University Staff School and International School and later Obafemi Awolowo University to study English Literature. Her keen interest in National Issues fuelled by the intellectual environment she found herself impacted her decision to study Law. She currently undergoes her National Youth Service, a mandatory one year national service for all Nigerian graduates, at the Babcock University School of Law and Security Studies as a Research Assistant and coordinator of the Law Clinic. She also coaches the students for Law competitions. She is particularly interested in research in Human Rights, Constitutional Law, International Law and the Law of Airspace, Outer space and Telecommunications.

About Uwede Meshack Okezi

Uwede Meshack Okezi is currently Law student of Babcock University, Ilishan-Remo, Ogun state Nigeria. His interest in constitutional matters and dissatisfaction of outcomes in family commercial disputes fuelled his passion to study Law and explains his current particular interests in Constitutional law and Commercial Law as separate as they may seem.

Draft conference paper can be accessed HERE. Note this is draft only not for quotation purposes.

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