Course Description

The theme for the 2023 ASD will be 'Giving effect to the African Charter on the Values and Principles of Decentralisation, Local Governance and Local Development (2014)'.  This ASD will take an in-depth look into the Charter and examine what the Charter requires from states in terms of implementing decentralisation. It compares the African Charter with other continental charters on decentralisation and local government, including the European Charter on Local Self-Government. Furthermore, the 2023 ASD will examine how African states are implementing the Charter.

Flowing from the charter, the 2023 will cover themes such as

  • recognition of local governments and their boundaries
  • local democracy and participation;
  • accountability and transparency in local government
  • meaningful powers for local governments
  • local fiscal powers and revenue sharing
  • intergovernmental relations and supervision

Given that the African Union has its headquarters in Addis Ababa, the 2023 ASD will include engagement with the AU desk responsible for the Charter on Decentralisation.

The course will be presented by leading experts in the field from an international and regional perspective. It offers a platform in which African practitioners, academics and activists can be educated and encouraged to innovate and experiment, and to learn from one another in order to address the challenges in the implementation of decentralisation. The course will include lectures, interactive discussions, case studies and study visits dealing with the selected thematic areas. Also, it will focus on the literature pertaining to the different continents and use comparative case studies to deepen the knowledge on and understanding of the challenges confronting the African region. The ultimate goal is to advance good governance in local government in Africa.

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