Academic recognition for DOI researchers

The work at the Dullah Omar Institute is done by researchers of national and international repute. Over the past few months, four of our researchers received academic accolades that bear testimony to the quality research conducted at the Institute. Dr Derek Powell was promoted by UWC to Associate Professor on the basis of his sterling record as a researcher championing interdisciplinary research. Prof Ebenezer Durojaye, Head of the Socio-Economic Rights Project was awarded a C2 rating by the National Research Foundation after a rigorous assessment. The C rating means that Prof Durojaye is an “established researchers with a sustained recent record of productivity in the field … recognised … as having produceda body of quality work”.

Prof Nico Steytler, the South African Research Chair in Multilevel Government was awarded a B1 rating by the National Research Foundation and Prof Jaap de Visser (Director of the Dullah Omar Institute) was awarded a B2 rating. The B rating signals “considerable international recognition by their peers for the high quality an impact of their recent research outputs”.

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