ANC lost a significant proportion of their vote share in metropolitan areas - MLGI

Community Law Centre's Multilevel Government Initiative (MLGI) made an analysis on the 2014 Election which recently took place in South Africa, in an article titled, “Election 2014: The coming battle for control of the big cities.” This article is part of the Talking Good Governance blog by MLGI.

This article by Michael O'Donovan, an analyst with MLGI, says compared to the 2009 the ANC lost a significant proportion of their vote share in metropolitan areas. A decade ago the ruling party then held at least a two thirds majority in all metropolitan municipalities other than Cape Town. After May 7 only Buffalo City gave the ruling party a two thirds majority, it states.

O'Donovan points out that, the latest election reflected a mild reduction in support for the ruling party and significant gains for the DA and the new EFF. Between them the three largest parties managed to acquire over 90% of votes cast. In 2009 the ANC and DA (the EFF had not yet been formed) managed to acquire just over 80% of the vote. The May election thus reflects a consolidation of votes by the three main political parties. This consolidation conceals a far more pronounced rift in voting patterns.

This rift is illustrated by the increase in support for the ruling party in rural areas just as it lost support in urban areas. In “traditional” rural areas the ruling party increased its share of votes by 2%. However these increases were more than offset by reductions in support in metropolitan areas.


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