Application date extended: Postgraduate Diploma in Public Law focusing on Local Government - 2023

The Dullah Omar Institute offers a unique Postgraduate Diploma.

Programme Overview

The programme comprises four modules of 30 NQF credits each. The modules are taught in succession, and are the following: 

  • Local Government (first semester: February-April): Law and policy pertaining to municipal institutions, governance, administration, public participation, revenue and financial management.
  • Administrative Law and Local Government (first semester: April-June ): An introduction to administrative law with a special focus on procurement and planning.
  • Constitutional Law and Local Government (second semester: July-August): An introduction to constitutional law with a focus on structures of government, the Bill of Rights, spheres of government, the public service, and the constitutional status of municipalities.
  • Multi-level Governance (second semester: September-October): The roles of the three spheres of government, including the supervision of local government and intergovernmental fiscal relations.


By when must I apply?

Applications for the 2023 intake are open and close on 30 September 2022.



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