CLC appoints Prof Julian May as chairperson

Professor May takes from Professor Julia Sloth-Nielsen who has been the chairperson since April 2012.

11 June 2013: The Community Law Centre yesterday during its annual general meeting elected Professor Julian May as the chairperson of the centre.

Advocate Geoff Budlender SC was also elected into the board as a representative from the Cape Bar, while Dr Mubarak Sulaiman, Dr YonatanFessha and Dr Lea Mwambene were elected as the University of the Western Cape (UWC) Law Faculty representatives on the board. During the meeting the 2012 Annual Report was also reviewed by the board.

Professor May takes from Professor Julia Sloth-Nielsen who is the Dean of the Law Faculty at the university. May is currently the Professor at the Institute for Social Development at UWC, and the NRF funded South African Research Chair in Applied Poverty Assessment. He is a Research Associate at the Brooks World Poverty Institute, the International Food Policy Research Institute, the Department of Social Policy, Oxford University and the South African Labour and Development Research Unit at UWC.

Geoff Budlender SC has practised law, first as an attorney and then as an advocate, with the exception of just under four years when he was Director General of the Department of Land Affairs. He is also a co-founder of the Legal Resources Centre. He was the National Director at the Legal Resources Centre and headed its Constitutional Litigation Unit. In January 2005, he became a member of the Cape Bar. He served as an acting judge in the Witwatersrand Local Division and the Cape Provincial Division.

The Community Law Centre members of the board are as follows:
Professor Julian May, Chairperson
Professor Julia Sloth-Nielsen, Dean of the Law Faculty
Archbishop Thabo Mokgoba
Professor Brian O’ Connell, Rector of the University of the Western Cape
Professor Jaap de Visser
Dr Mubarak Sulaiman, Law Faculty representative
Dr YonatanFessha, Law Faculty representative
Dr Lea Mwambene, Law Faculty representative
Advocate Karrisha Pillay, public representative
Judge Vincent Saldanha, public representative
Advocate Geoff Budlender SC, Representative from the Cape Bar
Mr Deon Visagie, practising attorney
Ms Revonia Campher, chairperson of the Law Students’ Council


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