Community Law Centre appointed to the core team of the Coalition for Social Protection Floor

The Core Team (made up of 7 organisations from the South, 3 from the North, and 6 global NGOs with headquarters in the North) will serve as the coordinating body of the Coalition

10 April 2013: The Community Law Centre together with 15 other organisations has been appointed into the core team of several organisations advocating for a rights-based approach to social protection floor worldwide.

The inaugural meeting of the Core Team was convened by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung (FES) between 8 and 9 of April 2013 in Geneva. The Centre was represented by Dr Ebenezer Durojaye, head of the Socio-economic Rights Project.

According to Dr Durujaye, the appointment of CLC into the core team of the Coalition on Social Protection Floor is an important step forward. “This serves as recognition of the contribution of the centre to the promotion and protection of socio-economic rights, including reduction of poverty, across the world,” he adds.

This meeting was a follow up to an earlier one held in Geneva between 28 and 29 of March 2012, where organisations from the north and south took part and made important inputs into the draft of the International Labour Organisation’s Recommendation on Social Protection Floor.

Some of the recommendations made by these organisations were included in the adopted ILO Recommendation 202 on Social Protection Floor during the ILO Conference in June 2012. After the adoption of ILO Recommendation 202, about 59 organisations worldwide decided to form a coalition known as the Coalition for a Social Protection Floor.

The main aims of this group are to seek to influence international debates on a social protection floor and raise awareness of the ILO Recommendation, based on the common statement presented to the 101st International Labour Conference (particularly relating to the post-2015 development agenda). The group also strives to create a platform for learning experiences among civil society organisations worldwide, including contributing to the development of tools.

The group’s aim is also to collaborate with national and regional social protection platforms and/or coalitions, where these exist, particularly those whose efforts seek to promote the implementation of SPF objectives. It also advocates for the formation of inclusive coalitions, where these do not exist, aimed at promoting the design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of social protection floors.

The Core Team (made up of 7 organisations from the South, 3 from the North, and 6 global NGOs with headquarters in the North) will serve as the coordinating body of the Coalition. It is hoped that the coalition will play important role in shaping discussion on post 2015 agenda, particularly in relation to social protection.

About: The Community Law Centre
The Community Law Centre is founded on the belief that constitutional orders must promote good governance, socio-economic development and the protection of the rights of vulnerable and disadvantaged groups. Through engaged research, engaged teaching and advocacy, the Centre supports processes in South Africa and the region to build inclusive, resilient states that are accountable to citizens and responsive to human rights. The Centre aims to be the leading think tank on multi-level governance and human rights in Africa.

Editorial contacts:
Jacob Nthoiwa
Information Manager, Community Law Centre
University of the Western Cape
+27 21 959 2950

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