
Dullah Omar Institute calls on society to defend our democracy

While section 91(2) of the Constitution makes it clear that the President appoints and may dismiss ministers and deputy-Ministers, the Institute wants to register serious concerns surrounding yesterday’s replacement of ten ministers and ten deputy-ministers. The President must uphold, defend and respect the Constitution and promote the unity of the Nation.

Criminal procedure punishes before conviction Criminal procedure punishes before conviction

How does pretrial detention affect the socio-economic rights of the accused and those around him or her? In this study, Prof Lukas Muntingh and Ms Jean Redpath of the Dullah Omar Institute’s Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative analyse and quantify the socio-economic impact of pretrial detention in Kenya, Mozambique and Zambia.

Certificate Course on Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act

The legal framework for spatial planning and land use management has changed dramatically over the past few years. A new law, the Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Act now guides the way national, provincial and local governments plan and manage land use. Municipalities are now at the centre of deciding land use applications.

Lukas Muntingh and Jean Redpath audit Kenya's criminal justice system Lukas Muntingh and Jean Redpath audit Kenya's criminal justice system

The Dullah Omar Institute's Prof Lukas Muntingh and Jean Redpath were lead consultants in a project to audit Kenya's Criminal Justice System. The Audit found that more poor people were arrested, charged and sent to prison as compared to the well to do. A major concern as per the findings was that, serious offences such as organized crimes, capital offences and sexual offences were found to have the highest rate of acquittal and withdrawals. The Audit called on the N.C.A.J to capitalize on the recommendations for institutional reforms in policing and prosecution systems.

Latest issue of the ESR Review is now available Latest issue of the ESR Review is now available

This issue includes two features, one explores if the Sustainable Development Goals are human rights-based and the other looks at the link between fundamental, elementary, primary and basic education. There is also an insightful interview with Professor Sandra Liebenberg.

Lukas Muntingh urges a rethink on imprisonment Lukas Muntingh urges a rethink on imprisonment

In this opinion piece, DOI's Lukas Muntingh argues that life imprisonment in South Africa is a blunt instrument, based on little fact, and which has had no proven impact on violent crime rates. Furthermore, it is now imposed for offences that would not have attracted the death penalty, except in the rarest of circumstances.

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