
Litigation on sexual and reproductive health unpacked Litigation on sexual and reproductive health unpacked

On 22 and 23 June 2015 the Initiative for Strategic Litigation in Africa (ISLA) in conjunction with the Community Law Centre (CLC), University of the Western Cape organised a colloquium on Strategic Litigation on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights in Africa.

O Governo Angolano prende jovens activistas políticos e defensores de direitos humanos em Angola

No Sábado dia 20 de Junho, os Serviços de Investigação Criminal (SIC) e a Polícia Nacional prenderam e encarceraram treze jovens activistas políticos e defensores de direitos humanos, numa residência onde discutiam questões políticas relacionadas com o estado da democracia em Angola. Depois de serem presos cada um deles foi levado para a sua residência algemados e a polícia fez buscas e confiscou equipamento informático e documentos, nomeadamente; computadores, máquinas fotográficas, agendas pessoais, revistas, documentos vários e cartões de recarga telefónica que encontraram. Muitos destes equipamentos e documentos são pertença de membros da família. A operação policial aconteceu sem qualquer “mandado de prisão ou de busca” e muitas vezes a polícia armada usou violência para entrar nas residências.

Is there hope for Lesotho in National Decentralisation Policy? Is there hope for Lesotho in National Decentralisation Policy?

Community Law Centre’s Prof Jaap de Visser participated in the Commonwealth Local Government Forum's 20th Anniversary Conference in Gaborone, Botswana. He presented a paper at the Conference's Research Colloquium. His presentation was entitled "Lesotho's 2014 National Decentralisation Policy in comparative perspective". The paper examines the government of Lesotho's intention to deepen devolution in the Mountain Kingdom.

Community Law Centre participates in food security conference Community Law Centre participates in food security conference

Shehaam Johnstone, a doctoral researcher with the Community Law Centre presented a paper on the intersection of multilevel government with food security Imperatives, during the 3rd annual conference on Critical Law and Governance Perspectives on Food Security in South Africa. The theme of the conference was “Exploring the Role of Policy-Makers and other Stakeholders.”

Is local government resourced to fulfil its mandate? Is local government resourced to fulfil its mandate?

Community Law Centre’s researcher, Phindile Ntliziywana presented a paper at a roundtable organised by the South African Catholic Bishops Conference (SACBC) Parliamentary Liaison Office on 03 June 2015 in Cape Town. The roundtable was centred around discussions on local government, effective delivery and the devolution of power and the principle of subsidiarity.

Dr Chigwata awarded a fellowship in Switzerland Dr Chigwata awarded a fellowship in Switzerland

Community Law Centre’s post-doctoral research fellow, Dr Tinashe Chigwata was awarded the prestigious fellowship at the Institute of Federalism Fribourg (IFF), University of Fribourg in Switzerland. IFF is one of the leading research institutions on federalism, decentralisation and conflict resolution.

Breakfast seminar looks into state-building, constitution-making and legitimacy Breakfast seminar looks into state-building, constitution-making and legitimacy

The two young scholars from the University of Aix-Marseille, Manon Bonnet and Theo Fournier, who are being hosted by the Community Law Centre presented their research at a breakfast seminar on 4 June at the University of the Western Cape. The two have been conducting research at the centre on state-building, constitution-making and legitimacy as of the MA theses.

Key challenges facing constitution makers in Tunisia and Yemen unpacked Key challenges facing constitution makers in Tunisia and Yemen unpacked

On 3 June 2015, the South African Research Chair in Multilevel Government, Law and Policy, Prof Nico Steytler hosted a Policy Dialogue on “Constitution making and implementation in the aftermath of the Arab Spring: Tunisia and Yemen” . The event took place at the Kader Asmal Moot Court, Faculty of Law, University of the Western Cape.

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