
Congo Minister spends New Year with young inmates Congo Minister spends New Year with young inmates

The Minister of Youth and Civic Education in Republic of the Congo, Anatole Collinet Makosso, spent New Year's day with young offenders in Brazzaville prison and delivered civic education materials to the prison.

Article 5 Initiative launched at old Breakwater Prison Article 5 Initiative launched at old Breakwater Prison

On 13 December, following International Human Rights Day, the Article 5 Initiative (A5I) was launched at the Breakwater Lodge in Cape Town. The Article 5 Initiative aims to support African institutions to improve domestic compliance with international law obligations, norms and procedures under the United Nations Convention against Torture (UNCAT) and the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights (ACHPR).

Guinea paralegals detained and intimidated

Human Rights Watch called on the Guinean government to investigate the role of two high-level officials in the apparent illegal detention and intimidation of members of a prominent Guinean human rights group.

'Detention used to stifle dissent in Uganda' 'Detention used to stifle dissent in Uganda'

Amnesty International released a report on 1 November 2011 which accuses the Ugandan state of targeting critical journalists, civil society activists and opposition political leaders with "arbitrary arrest, intimidation, threats and politically motivated criminal charges".

Volcano threatens Goma prison Volcano threatens Goma prison

Africa's most active volcano, Nyamuragira, in the Democratic Republic of Congo, began erupting on the night of 6 November 2011.

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