July's ESR Review is now available

This issue includes articles on access to housing & sufficient water, the ANC's promises on socio-economic rights, as well as the Seminar on Optional Protocol on the ICESC & Public Hearings on the Millenium Development Goals and the realisation of economic and social rights.
  • Access to housing for women who are victims of gender-based violence
  • Realising the right of access to sufficient water in South Africa: Progress and challenges
  • Muddying the waters: The Supreme Court of Appeal’s judgment in the Mazibuko case
  • Enforcing housing rights: How far can the courts go?
  • What to hold the new government accountable for: The ANC’s election promises on socio-economic rights
  • Seminar on ‘Litigating socio-economic rights at the international level: introducing the Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights’
  • Public hearings on ‘The Millennium Development Goals and the realisation  of economic and social rights in South Africa’
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