Seminar on Gender, HIV and AIDS:Tracking the trends, progress and tribulations in South Africa

This seminar was hosted by the Socio-Economic Rights Project on 1 July 2009

The seminar was meant to take stock of recent developments and to reflect on progress, setbacks and challenges on dealing with HIV/AIDS in women’s context. The seminar was also meant to foster conversation between the different categories of stake holders involved in work and efforts around HIV/AIDS in South Africa. Participants included civil society organisations, health care practitioners and academics. Thus the seminar looked at socio-medical, legal and policy perspectives. Topics discussed related to the double burden of HIV and Tuberculosis, food security and nutrition, sex work and legal reform and the HIV/Aids care burden on women. Recent findings on the HIV/AIDS prevalence in South Africa were also discussed and reflected upon.

Some of the presentations made at the conference are available for download below:

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