PODCAST: MLGI’s views on Infrastructure Development Bill presented at Infrastructure Dialogue

The Multilevel Government Initiative at the Community Law Centre’s views on the Infrastructure Development Bill, currently before Parliament, featured strongly at the Infrastructure Dialogue of 6 February.

The Dialogue was preceded by a key note address by the Minister of Cooperative Governance and Traditional Affairs, Hon Lechesa Tsenoli.

The input, prepared by the Head of MLGI, Mr Derek Powell and the Centre’s Director, Prof De Visser focused on the impact that this Bill will have on intergovernmental relations in South Africa. Prof De Visser and Mr Powell welcomed government’s concerted effort to unlock the red rape surrounding large scale infrastructure projects as well as the emphasis the Bill places on the role of cities in planning infrastructure. However, they also expressed concerns about the centralising tendencies in the Bill as well as the unsettling effects it will have on the carefully crafted system for governments across the three spheres to interact.

The Infrastructure Dialogues are hosted jointly by the Development Bank of Southern Africa, the South African Cities Network, the National Business Initiative, the Performance Monitoring and Evaluation Department in the Presidency, and the Department of Economic Development.

A podcast of the input can be listened HERE.

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