President Zuma appoints Prof Steytler as FFC member

The former director of the Community Law Centre, Prof Nico Steytler was appointed by President Jacob Zuma as member of the Financial and Fiscal Commission with effect from 01 September 2013, for a period of five years, as a part time commissioner. Prof Steytler is currently the South African Research Chairs Initiative (SARChI) Chair.

The Financial and Fiscal Commission is an independent, objective, impartial and unbiased constitutional advisory institution. It is a permanent expert Commission with a constitutionally defined structure, set of generic responsibilities and institutional processes. 

The Commission has the responsibility to advise and make recommendations to Parliament, provincial legislatures, organised local government and other organs of State on financial and fiscal matters. And its primary role is to ensure the creation and maintenance of an effective, equitable and sustainable system of intergovernmental fiscal relations in South Africa.

The president also appointed Prof Daniel Plaatjies and Kenneth Fihla into the commission.

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