Seminar looks at the role of electoral commissions in developing countries

Last week, the Community Law Centre hosted a lunch-time seminar where the role of electoral commissions in developing countries was unpacked. The key speakers at this event where Rev Courtney Sampson Provincial Electoral Officer of the Electoral Commission in the Western Cape and Prof Henk Kummeling the Chair of the Dutch Electoral Commission and a visiting professor at the Community Law Centre.

 During the interactive seminar, Rev Courtney Sampson looked the political party activity on the Election Day: What is advisable in the context of voters’ free access to the polls. Prof Henk Kummeling focused on the role of Electoral Commissions looking at the European perspective especially former Eastblock countries after the fall of the Berlin Wall.

The seminar was attended by researchers from different countries including Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique and other African countries. They asked questions about the processes elections in Africa and gave their experiences and how the electoral commission functions in their countries. They also discussed possible solutions that the electoral commissions can offer during elections in Africa.

More of these lunch-time seminar are lined up to take place next year.


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