South Africa to Ratify International Socio-Economic Rights Covenant

South African Human Rights Groups, including the Socio-Economic Rights Project, welcome Cabinet’s approval of South Africa’s ratification of the United Nations International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights.

This important decision to ratify, which means that the ICESCR will be legally binding, was included in a statement issued in Cabinet’s ordinary meeting held in Pretoria on 10 October 2012. The Cabinet statement describes how the ICESCR is a “key international treaty which seeks to encourage State Parties to address challenges of inequality, unemployment and poverty, which are critical to the strategic goals of governments.”

Download the full press release

Issued by the ICESCR Ratification Campaign Driver Group which comprises of the Black Sash; Community Law Centre, University of the Western Cape; Global Call to Action against Poverty South Africa; National Welfare Forum; People’s Health Movement South Africa Socio-Economic Rights Institute of SA and Studies in Poverty and Inequality Institute.

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