
'Mozambique needs more judges'
Author: Jean
Published: 15 Mar 2012
The President of Mozambique's Supreme Court, Ozias Pondja, on 13 March 2012 said that the country needs to train more judges, since the 293 who currently exist are insufficient to meet the growing pressure on the courts.
News ACJR News Mozambique
Cunene court suffers backlogs, poor infrastucture
Author: Jean
Published: 14 Mar 2012
Poor court infrastructure is contributing to poor performance of the court system in Cunene, says the presiding judge. The Minister of Justice for Courts has promised improvements this year.
ACJR News News Angola
Angolan police target newspaper and 'break up demonstrations'
Author: Jean
Published: 14 Mar 2012
On 12 March 2012 Angolan police seized 20 computers from the offices of the publication 'Folha 8' and questioned its editor two days after attempts to stage demonstrations in the Luanda and Benguela were broken up by armed gangs and heavily armed police.
ACJR News News Angola
Torture continues for Libyan detainees
Published: 12 Mar 2012
A report released by Amnesty International in February 2012 says that a year after the uprising against Muammar Gaddafi, Libya's militias are "largely out of control", with the use of torture ubiquitous and the country's new rulers unable – or unwilling – to prevent abuses.
ACJR News News
Torture continues for Libyan detainees
Author: Jean
Published: 12 Mar 2012
A report released by Amnesty International in February 2012 says that a year after the uprising against Muammar Gaddafi, Libya's militias are "largely out of control", with the use of torture ubiquitous and the country's new rulers unable – or unwilling – to prevent abuses.
News Libya
Shortage of translators at Johannesburg Magistrates' Courts
Author: Jean
Published: 12 Mar 2012
More than half of the cases heard on a daily basis in the Johannesburg Magistrate's Court and its ten satellite courts demand foreign language translators, and there are not enough of them to meet demand, reports Beeld newspaper.
News South Africa
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