Are you a local government practitioner, public servant, member of the legal profession, consultant or a member of a civil society organisation working in local government? This programme is for you!
news: Local Gov
The South African Research Chair in Multilevel Government, situated in the Dullah Omar Institute (DOI) at the University of the Western Cape (UWC), offers high quality Masters and PhD programmes in multilevel government and local government (Public Law).
news: Local Gov
The Socio-Economic Rights Project (SERP) at the Dullah Omar Institute (DOI), University of the Western Cape invites contributions for the ESR Review, a quarterly publication aimed at informing and educating politicians, policymakers, NGOs, academics, and legal practitioners about key developments in socio-economic rights at both national and international levels.
news: SER
On Tuesday, 14 May, the Multilevel Government Team of the Dullah Omar Institute met the South African Human Rights Commission.
news: Local Gov
The Multilevel Government Project at the Dullah Omar Institute, hosted Lucia Radici on a three-month secondment stay.
news: Local Gov
The Multilevel Government Project at the Dullah Omar Institute, welcomes Kelly Jane Bishop, as a visiting researcher on a four-month research stay.
news: Local Gov
The theme for the 2024 ASD is 'Decentralisation and Human Rights'.
news: Local Gov
Are you a local government practitioner, public servant, member of the legal profession, consultant or a member of a civil society organisation working in local government? This programme is for you!
news: Local Gov