Reproductive Rights
Anneke Meerkotter (2002) "Whose choice is it anyway" GenderNews Vol 6 No 1
Anneke Meerkotter (2002) "Providing options to pregnant women living with HIV/AIDS" GenderNews Vol 6 No 1
Heléne Combrinck (2002) Presentation on budget allocations for implementation of the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, Health Portfolio Committee Oversight hearings on Implementation of Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act, May 2002.
Heléne Combrinck (2001) "Constitutionality of choice is the ultimate criterion". Reproductive Rights Alliance, Barometer, August 2001, p 29.
Heléne Combrinck, Gender Project & Nicolette Naylor, Sonnenberg's Gender Unit (2000) Submission to the Portfolio Committee on Health on the Implementation of the Choice of Termination of Pregnancy Act 92 of 1996. Presented to the National Assembly Portfolio Committee on Health.
Karrisha Pillay (1998) "A female complainant : reproductive health care and the management of sexually transmitted diseases and reproductive tract infections" Women and Human Rights Documentation Centre Newsletter, Vol 2 No 2.
Loretta Ferris (1998) "The recent challenge to the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act" Women and Human Rights Documentation Centre Newsletter, Vol 2 No 4.
Loretta Ferris (1998) "The recent challenge to the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act" Women and Human Rights Documentation Centre Newsletter, Vol 2 No 2
Karrisha Pillay (1998) "Women's health : reality or hopeless dream?" Women and Human Rights Documentation Centre Newsletter, Vol 2 No 2.