Putting People in the "People's" Parliament

Scaling up inclusive participation in South African Legislatures to enhance democratic oversight

The project contributes to building a more capable and accountable state through leveraging mechanisms for direct political participation of the public to increase the capacity and performance of legislatures to fulfil their constitutional mandates to oversee executive performance, develop law and respond to the public.

The project seeks to increase capacities and collective actions of CSOs - emphasising those working with women - to monitor executive performance and increase accountability, through expanded information on and access to legislatures for improved CSO utilisation of legislatures, through committees’ regular oversight and budget monitoring processes.

The project engages in various ways with the following target groups:

  • CSOs - Community oriented organisations, structures and social movements, provincial and national CSOs. Emphasising those working to realise women’s rights.
  • Committees in at least two provincial legislatures (PLs), including the Western Cape and Eastern Cape and national Parliament; MPs, MPLs; research and administrative support staff in the legislatures; the Parliamentary Budget Office (PBO), Financial and Fiscal Commission (FFC); and the South African Legislative Sector structures (SALS).
  • Community and mainstream media.

The intended final beneficiaries are the general public, and members of communities served by partner CSOs.

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The project is working with the following organisations to implement the project in the Western Cape and Eastern Cape.

The Right2Know Campaign; Social Change Assistance Trust; Social Justice Coalition; Women on Farms Project; Witzenberg Rural Development Centre; Cedeberg Matzikama Aid Network; Flagstaff Advice Office; Mqunduli Advice Office; PSJ Advice Office; Iimbokodo; Zanoncedo Empowerment Centre; Care Alicedale; Tyinira Rural Advice Office; Adelaide Advice Office; Interchuch Local Development Agency; Masimanyane Women's Rights International; Uitenhage Mental Health; Dordrecht Legal Advice Community Development Agency; EC NGO Coalition; Masiphakameni LDA; Berlin Advice Centre; Entlago Primary Agricultural Co-op; Siayanakekela LDA.

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