The Dullah Omar Institute calls on residents of Cape Town and surrounds to attend the Memorial of the late Ahmed Kathrada.
The Dullah Omar Institute calls on residents of Cape Town and surrounds to attend the Memorial of the late Ahmed Kathrada.
Online tool to write to your MP to hold the President accountable.
We are gravely concerned about the state of democracy in South Africa. Our constitutional democracy, for which people like Dullah Omar fought so hard and made so many sacrifices, is under threat.
While section 91(2) of the Constitution makes it clear that the President appoints and may dismiss ministers and deputy-Ministers, the Institute wants to register serious concerns surrounding yesterday’s replacement of ten ministers and ten deputy-ministers. The President must uphold, defend and respect the Constitution and promote the unity of the Nation.
Die Nasionale Vergadering oorweeg tans ’n mosie van wantroue in die President. Die Grondwetlike Hof is gevra om ’n geheime stemming af te dwing. In ’n aparte saak is die Grondwetlike Hof gevra om te beslis oor die “vervolging” (impeachment) van die President. Wat hieronder volg, is ’n kort opsomming van wat die Grondwet bied oor hoe die President uit sy amp onthef kan word.
Kokoano Bosetšhaba e sa ntse e akanya ka ga Tshisinyo ya go tlhoka Tshepo mo go Moporesitente. Kgotlatshekelo ya Molaotheo e setse e kopilwe go atlhola ka ga go pateletsa tiriso ya ditlhopho tsa sephiri. Mo kgetsing e nngwe e e farologaneng, Kgotlatshekelo ya Molaotheo e kopilwe go dira katlholo ka go tlosiwa mo tirong ka ntlha ya ditatofatso tsa ditlolomolao ga Moporesitente. Tse ke tshobokanyo e e ka ga dintlha tse Molaotheo o di laelang mabapi le gore Moporesitente o tlosiwa jang mo maemong a gagwe.
iNdlu yoWiso mthetho yeSizwe izoqwalasela isindululo sokuphela kwethemba kuMongameli. Inkundla Yomgaqo-Siseko iceliwe ukuba inyanzele ibhalothi efihlakeleyo. Kwelinye icala, inkundla yomGaqo- Siseko iceliwe ukuba ilawule phezu kwe impeachment kaMongameli. Apha gezantsi kukho isishwankathelo esifutshane esichaza ukuba UmGaqo-Siseko uthini ngosuso lukaMongameli e-ofisini
The National Assembly is considering a motion of no confidence in the President. The Constitutional Court has been asked to force a secret ballot. In a separate case, the Constitutional Court has been asked to instruct Parliament start 'impeachment’ proceedings against the President. Parliament Watch, a collective of organisations working towards the advancement of social justice, the realisation of human rights, and strong constitutional democracy has prepared this brief summary of what the Constitution provides about how the President is removed from office.
The Dullah Omar Institute has joined 64 civic organisations urging the Speaker of the National Assembly to reconvene Parliament urgently.