
Specialised Masters and PhD Programme in Multilevel Government and Local Government

The South African Research Chair in Multilevel Government, situated in the Dullah Omar Institute (DOI), offers high quality Masters and PhD programmes in multilevel government and local government. These programmes deal with questions such as: how are multilevel states designed? how are powers divided? how are the finances allocated to provincial and local governments? how does national government supervise subnational governments? They also deal with pertinent issues relating to the rule of law and good governance. Both programmes combine legal and constitutional studies with other disciplines, such as political science, public administration and finances. Applications are open for both admission and financial support in 2021.

South Africa's High Court orders state to ensure police and soldiers act within the law under Disaster Management Act regulations

On 10 April 2020, Mr Collins Khosa was brutalised, tortured and murdered in his own home by security forces deployed to enforce South Africa's Disaster Management Act ("lockdown") regulations. The family of Mr Khosa brought an application to court to attempt to ensure such brutality does not happen again. The court ordered the Minister and various agencies of state to take a range of preventative measures. The state was ordered to pay costs.

Postponement of the African School on Decentralisation 2020

Due to the spike in the spread of Corona Virus across the continent in the last couple of weeks, various measures have been adopted by various countries in order to control the spread of the disease. Some of these measures include lockdowns, the closure of borders, cancellation of flights and denial of visas and entry for nationals of affected countries.

Budget Justice Coalition asks whose budget is it anyway?

In the State of the Nation Address (SONA), President Ramaphosa emphasised the value of social compacts, yet he also announced that there will be reductions in expenditure. Budget Justice Coalition (BJC) worries that the President Ramaphosa’s notion of a social compact in the 2020 State of the Nation Address (SONA) will mean that low-income households and vulnerable groups will have to disproportionately shoulder the costs of “turning this economy around”. The BJC is convinced that the current spending trajectory does not prioritise the demands of a developmental state nor will it result in building much-needed state capacity.


The Dullah Omar Institute at the University of the Western Cape in partnership with the African Centre of Excellence for Access to Justice held a two-day inception meeting concerning Research on Community Based Paralegals in Africa. This took place at the Onomo Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda from 21-22 February 2020.


The Dullah Omar Institute of the University of the Western Cape in conjunction with the African Centre of Excellence for Access to Justice will hold an inception meeting concerning Research on Community Based Paralegals in Africa. This will take place at Onomo Hotel, Kigali, Rwanda from 21-22 February 2020.

SONA 2020: Towards a New Dawn for SOEs

When President Cyril Ramaphosa delivers his State of the Nation Address (SONA) this evening, many South Africans would want to hear what plans are in place to bring them closer to a new dawn where Eskom and other SOEs function optimally.

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