
ANC, DA and EFF forced to govern together? ANC, DA and EFF forced to govern together?

The director of the Dullah Omar Institute Prof Jaap de Visser, published an article on the Conversation titled: South Africa’s politicians will have to adjust to many more coalitions, looking at the upcoming local government elections. In this article he argues that it is likely that there will be more 'hung councils', i.e. councils without an outright majority. In these municipalities, coalitions will have to be formed.

South African Constitution as an export model South African Constitution as an export model

Yesterday, Prof Nico Steytler, the SARChI Chair in Multilevel Government Law and Policy at Dullah Omar Institute hosted colloquium focusing on the South African constitution as an export model. This was followed by a book launch of the Kenya-South Africa Dialogue on Devolution edited by Nico Steytler and Yash Pal Ghai published by Juta.

DOI sparks a conversation about constitutionalism in India and SA DOI sparks a conversation about constitutionalism in India and SA

Yesterday, the Dullah Omar Institute and the Consul General of India in Cape Town hosted an event in remembrance Dr Ambedkar, the founding father of the Indian Constitution, and recognising the latter's impact on the South African constitution. The theme of this event was: Celebrating Constitutionalism in India and South Africa. The event was opened by the Prof Tyrone Pretorious, the Rector and Vice Chancellor of UWC.

Dr Mandlate contributes to a portuguese book on human rights in Africa Dr Mandlate contributes to a portuguese book on human rights in Africa

The Dullah Omar Institute’s Dr Aquinaldo Mandlate’s and other experts from Angola and Norway jointly edited a book titled Direitos Humanos num Relance (Human Rights In A Nutshell), which was launched in Luanda (Angola) in April 2016. The book was published by SILABO and it is Portuguese version of the Human Rights in a Nutshell publication by Associate Prof Njal Høstmælingen, Director of the International Law and Policy Institute in Norway.

INVITATION: Colloquium and Book Launch INVITATION: Colloquium and Book Launch

The Dullah Omar Institute invites you to a colloquium and book launch on Monday, 16 May 2016 (15h00-18h00) at the Kader Asmal Moot Court, Faculty of Law, University of the Western Cape.

Kenya-South Africa Dialogue on Devolution book launched Kenya-South Africa Dialogue on Devolution book launched

The book Kenya-South Africa Dialogue on Devolution, edited by Professors Nico Steytler and Yash Pal Ghai, was launched on 23 March 2016 at the Katiba Institute, Nairobi, Kenya. The 500 page volume brought together nine South African authors with nine Kenyan counterparts to examine the various aspect of devolution in both countries. The value of the publication lies in how the experience of 20 years of devolution in South Africa can assist in the development of devolution in Kenya, seen in the light that the Kenyan Constitution liberally borrowed from the South African Constitution.

Workshop on Somalia federalism Workshop on Somalia federalism

Professor Nico Steytler, the SARChI Chair in Multi-level Government, Law and Policy, was one of the key experts, presenting a 4 day training workshop, organised by the Ministry of Interior and Federal Affairs of the Federal Government of Somalia and the Forum of Federations, in Nairobi, Kenya, 21 to 24 March 2016.

Crisis for Children with Disabilities: Parliament Should Act Urgently to Mandate Inclusive Education Crisis for Children with Disabilities: Parliament Should Act Urgently to Mandate Inclusive Education

Parliament should urgently address the crisis in inclusive education affecting children with disabilities, Inclusive Education South Africa, SECTION27, Human Rights Watch and the Dullah Omar Institute, University of the Western Cape said today. The groups were responding to President Jacob Zuma’s statement at the national Disability Rights Summit on March 10, 2016, and statements by the Department of Basic Education on March 8.

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