
High Court rules against prisoners in torture damages claim

Judgment was recently handed down by the Port Elizabeth High Court in the much publicised St Alban’s case, as it became known, which emanates from an alleged mass assault of prisoners at the St Alban’s prisons in Port Elizabeth in July 2005.

"Long list" of indicators proposed toward pre-trial justice in Africa "Long list" of indicators proposed toward pre-trial justice in Africa

At a seminar held in Cape Town in May 2015, participants from PPJA partner organisations discussed indicators for measuring pre-trial justice in Africa. A "long-list" of draft proposed indicators was agreed upon by the end of the seminar. Further consultations are planned to expand the extent of consultation and to refine the proposed indicators.

Malawi launches new criminal justice case flow system Malawi launches new criminal justice case flow system

Mobile training unit members were trained in the last week of July 2015 on the new registers, case folders and court diary, designed to ensure pre-trial detainees do not get "lost" and that time limits in the criminal justice system are met.

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