The project seeks to evaluate and identify lessons that both Kenya and South Africa can share in the implementation of the devolved system of government, and especially from South Africa which has 17 years of experience with implementing devolution.
Subsequent to Cabinet’s announcement in October 2012, Parliament extended an invitation to the Department of Justice and Constitutional Development (DOJ& CD) to make a presentation on 20 August 2013, as part of the formalities required for the final approval of government’s decision to ratify the ICESCR. In its presentation DOJ& CD reaffirmed South Africa’s commitment to ending poverty and social inequality. Parliament will now have to deliberate on Cabinet’s proposal to ratify and make the necessary approval as provided for by the Constitution.
Recent high-profile incidents have drawn attention to the manner in which the police and the prison service conduct themselves.
Lukas Muntingh presented an investigation into whether subsets of the South African population reflect different law enforcement outcomes, and whether there is any evidence that this constitutes unfair discrimination in terms of the South African Constitution.
The Military and Constitution making: The Nigerian Experience
The Rebirth of the Political Question doctrine in Uganda: Self-imposed Freedom from the Judicial Review
Juge et crise. Réflexions sur les jurisprudences des Cours constitutionnelles de Madagascar et des Comores (Judge and Crisis. Thoughts on the jurisprudence of the constitutional courts of Madagascar and Comores)
The Global political agreement (GPA) constitution making process in Zimbabwe: A new people-driven constitution or a misnomer?
Constitution making under governments of National Unity: The Zimbabwean Case 2009-2013
Standing on the sidelines watching: Women and Zambia’s constitutional processes
The challenge of translating institutional design into lived experience: Lessons from the Constitutional reform process of Kenya
La responsabilité du juge dans l'avènement d'une gouvernance constitutionnelle en Afrique (The responsibility of the judge in the development of constitutional governance in Africa)