Civil Society organisations present to the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development on weak government response to sexual offences.
Civil Society organisations present to the Portfolio Committee on Justice and Constitutional Development on weak government response to sexual offences.
Bossembele, known by some as "Guantanamo" of the Central African Republic, is one of Africa's most secret prisons, where ousted president Francois Bozize allegedly had his opponents jailed and tortured for years. A alliance of rebel groups known as Seleka captured Bossembele and freed all prisoners as they moved against Bozize in March 2013. Al Jazeera gained access to the prison in April 2013.
An activist has been arrested in Zambia for "inciting the public to take part in indecent activities" authorities have said. This offence was adopted in Zambia in 1898 via England's Vagrancy Act of 1824. Activist Paul Kasonkomona was arrested immediately after appearing on a live television show on Sunday 7 April. In the show he outlined measures to combat HIV, which he argued included the decriminalisation of same-sex acts.
The submission deals with three broad issues: alignment between the Strategic Plan and the budget; creating safer prisons, and rehabilitation and reintegration.
In September 2012, the Human Rights Council adopted the Guiding Principles on Extreme Poverty and Human Rights (A/HRC/21/39).
In October 2012, the UN Special Rapporteur on extreme poverty and human rights released a report (A/67/278) analysing the main obstacles impending people living in poverty from access to justice.
A Cadeia Central de Maputo é a maior prisão em Moçambique. Està superlotada e as condicoes de vida que se observavam num passado recente nao eram as ideais. Durante uma visita à prisão a 12 de Fevereiro de 2013 feita pela Liga dos Direitos Humanos e a Organização da Sociedade Civil sobre a Iniciativa de Reformas Prisionais (Civil Society Prison Reform Initiative, CSPRI), foi evidente que, embora a prisão ainda abriga mais do que o número para o qual foi concebida, os recentes avanços têm melhorado a situação.
Maputo Central Prison (Cadeia Central de Maputo) is the largest prison in Mozambique. It is notoriously overcrowded and conditions have in the recent past been noted to be less than ideal. During a visit to the prison on 12 February 2013 by the Human Rights League (Liga dos Direitos Humanos) and CSPRI, it was apparent that although the prison still houses more than the number for which it was designed, recent improvements have ameliorated the situation.
This is the first electronic edition of Article 40. In this edition articles published relate to developments in neurological science and criminal capacity, the 2nd year implementation of the Child Justice Act and a case law analysis based on the automatic review provisions of the Child Justice Act.
The man, a 27-year-old Mozambican taxi driver identified as Mido Macia, in detention of head injuries and internal bleeding, according to an initial post mortem report. The incident was captured on video by bystanders. The video shows the man scuffling with police, who subdue him. He is then bound to the back of the pick-up by his arms before the vehicle drives off in front of scores of witnesses in the east Johannesburg area of Daveyton. Nine policemen have been arrested and charged with murder.
The African Press Organization (APO) reports that state security agents in Mali detained an editor on 7 March 2013 in connection with his newspaper’s publication of an open letter criticizing a financial package awarded to a former coup leader.