
Seven Kenyans detained for three years in Uganda

Muslims for Human Rights (MUHURI) on 4 October 2012 released a statement calling on the government of Kenya to address the plight of seven Kenyans arrested by their own government, and illegally renditioned to Uganda to face terrorism-related charges. MUHURI was able to visit the Kenyans detained in Uganda through the assistance of the Uganda Prison Service hosting the African Correctional Services Association Conference in Kampala.

Kenya tackles prisons as source of HIV infection in Kenya

Regina Ombam, the Head of Strategy Development of the National Aids Control Council Kenya shared the evidence on HIV/AIDS in prisons in Kenya and the important measures which have been taken in Kenya to address the situation at the African Correctional Services Assocation Conference in Kampala, Uganda.

Uganda claims criminal justice improvements through better co-ordination

The Principal Judge of Uganda, Justice Yorokamu Bamwine on behalf of the Chief Justice of Uganda, presented a paper at the African Correctional Services Association Biennial Conference in Kampala, Uganda, which suggests there has been vast improvement in the operation of the criminal justice system in Uganda through the implementation of the Justice Law & Order Sector (JLOS) Programme since 1999.

Supplementary Guidelines on Health Conditions in Prisons

Riccardo Conti, head of the Uganda delegation of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) presented the ICRC supplementary guidelines on prison conditions to the African Correctional Services Association Conference held in Kampala, Uganda.

Passing of Prof. Tobias van Reenen Passing of Prof. Tobias van Reenen

The Community Law Centre is mourning the loss of Professor Tobias van Reenen. As an erstwhile member of the Centre's Management Committee and as a member of the Faculty of Law he has made an immense contribution to the Centre's pursuit of the realisation of human rights.

June's issue of Article 40 is available June's issue of Article 40 is available

The articles in this issue focus on the theoretical basis for the assessment of criminal capacity within children between the ages of 10 and 14 years and developments in child justice on the African continent and at a UN level.

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