
Launch: Report on Recognition of Community-Based Paralegals in Africa Launch: Report on Recognition of Community-Based Paralegals in Africa

The Socio-Economic Rights Project at the Dullah Omar Institute, University of the Western Cape, in conjunction with the African Centre of Excellence for Access to Justice (ACE-AJ) hosted the launch of the Research Report on Legal Recognition of Paralegals in Africa: Lessons, Challenges and Good Practices.

ISSUE PAPERS: Key issues in the NPA - Are we understanding the problem correctly?

In a series of five Issue Papers, Lukas Muntingh and Jean Redpath take a few steps back and ask whether we are indeed problematising the correct issues and, if so, are we problematising the issue in a manner that will restore trust and thus legitimacy in the NPA. From this position we can also examine our current and future expectations of the NPA.

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