Engaged research, teaching and advocacy on governance and human rights in Africa
Research report on public finance oversight: the provincesThe Putting the People in ‘People’s Parliament’ Project (PPiPP) works to increase the participation of civil society organisations in legislatures, particularly at provincial level, including through increasing public knowledge on the role of legislatures and legislature processes. One important aspect of this is oversight of public finances. In line with that objective, this report constitutes a first attempt to understand public finance oversight processes, in theory and practice, at the provincial level. To do so, it first discusses national legislation and processes, then examines the corresponding situation at provincial level (in Gauteng, the Eastern Cape and Western Cape). The drafting of provincial money bills amendment legislation presents both an opportunity to reflect on and improve these processes, but is also a risk in as much as it could cement failings of the status quo.https://dullahomarinstitute.org.za/women-and-democracy/putting-people-in-the-peoples-parliament/resources/advocacy-documents/parliament-and-provincial-legislatures-fiscal-oversight-final.pdf/viewhttps://dullahomarinstitute.org.za/women-and-democracy/putting-people-in-the-peoples-parliament/resources/advocacy-documents/parliament-and-provincial-legislatures-fiscal-oversight-final.pdf/@@download/image/Parliament and Provincial legislatures fiscal oversight final-1.jpg
Research report on public finance oversight: the provinces
The Putting the People in ‘People’s Parliament’ Project (PPiPP) works to increase the participation of civil society organisations in legislatures, particularly at provincial level, including through increasing public knowledge on the role of legislatures and legislature processes. One important aspect of this is oversight of public finances. In line with that objective, this report constitutes a first attempt to understand public finance oversight processes, in theory and practice, at the provincial level. To do so, it first discusses national legislation and processes, then examines the corresponding situation at provincial level (in Gauteng, the Eastern Cape and Western Cape). The drafting of provincial money bills amendment legislation presents both an opportunity to reflect on and improve these processes, but is also a risk in as much as it could cement failings of the status quo.