Presentation: Accessing legislatures under C19 challenges and successes
The move of legislatures to hold committee meetings on online meeting platforms and stream on online platforms, opened a world of possibilities to increase their reach to a wide spectrum of the public. The PPiPP project undertook work to ensure that the gains made during C19 pandemic are not lost, and to address some of the widening inequality in access that resulted due to the high costs of data and tech. Accessing Legislatures under C19 challenges and successes_page-0001.jpg
Presentation: Accessing legislatures under C19 challenges and successes
The move of legislatures to hold committee meetings on online meeting platforms and stream on online platforms, opened a world of possibilities to increase their reach to a wide spectrum of the public. The PPiPP project undertook work to ensure that the gains made during C19 pandemic are not lost, and to address some of the widening inequality in access that resulted due to the high costs of data and tech.