Engaged research, teaching and advocacy on governance and human rights in Africa
Research Report: Testing the Limits of Openness, Transparency and Access to Information – Public Access to Information that Parliament Requests from DepartmentsThe Parliamentary Monitoring Group and the Dullah Omar Institute’s overall intention with this project is to support transparency and public access to information. We did this by assessing how often parliamentary committees rely on requests for information in addition to that which is presented or provided to committees during the public space of a meeting; to try to assess the extent to which departments comply with these requests; and to see how available these documents are to the public. The research concludes that the systems and processes to ensure that such additional requested information is both provided to committees by departments and made available to the public require urgent attention. Otherwise, the effect is that the Executive responses to Committees oversight questions are never made public. This is the equivalent of an ‘in camera’ meeting.https://dullahomarinstitute.org.za/women-and-democracy/putting-people-in-the-peoples-parliament/resources/advocacy-documents/testing_the_limits_web-final-8-feb.pdf/viewhttps://dullahomarinstitute.org.za/women-and-democracy/putting-people-in-the-peoples-parliament/resources/advocacy-documents/testing_the_limits_web-final-8-feb.pdf/@@download/image/Testing_the_limits_WEB final 8 feb_page-0001.jpg
Research Report: Testing the Limits of Openness, Transparency and Access to Information – Public Access to Information that Parliament Requests from Departments
The Parliamentary Monitoring Group and the Dullah Omar Institute’s overall intention with this project is to support transparency and public access to information. We did this by assessing how often parliamentary committees rely on requests for information in addition to that which is presented or provided to committees during the public space of a meeting; to try to assess the extent to which departments comply with these requests; and to see how available these documents are to the public. The research concludes that the systems and processes to ensure that such additional requested information is both provided to committees by departments and made available to the public require urgent attention. Otherwise, the effect is that the Executive responses to Committees oversight questions are never made public. This is the equivalent of an ‘in camera’ meeting.