
Call for Applications: Masters Bursaries for 2022
Published: 17 May 2021
The Dullah Omar Institute offers an LL.M/M.Phil in Multilevel Government and Local Government. This one-year Masters Course equips students to understand how South African provinces and local government work, how the multilevel system of government compares to other countries on the continent and on what global theories and practices it is based.
news: Local Gov
Report on Hung Councils in South Africa: Law and Practice
Author: Jennica Beukes
Published: 01 Apr 2021
Coalition governments across South Africa's municipalities have mostly been unstable. Are there any mechanisms or rules that can be adopted to facilitate stability in coalition governments? Does the law need to be reformed to accommodate coalition governments in local government? How can existing structures in local government be used to structure coalition governments in a way that parties are encouraged to cooperate in the coalition? This paper discusses coalition governments in municipalities and offers insight into these questions.
news: Local Gov
Call for Applications: Post-doctoral Research Fellowship in Multilevel Government 2021 - 2022
Author: Mandy Cupido
Published: 18 Sep 2020
The South African Research Chair (SARChI) in Multilevel Government, Law and Development, based at the Dullah Omar Institute for Constitutional Law, Governance and Human Rights (DOI), University of the Western Cape, is pleased to announce a full-time post-doctoral research fellowship in multilevel government for 2021.
news: Local Gov
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