
Calls to include patient voices for needs-based health budgeting Calls to include patient voices for needs-based health budgeting

The budget tabled in Parliament this week, does not address a crumbling health system, certain civic organisations warned. Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba announced a R205 billion budget for health in the new financial year that is set to increase to R240,3 billion.

Funding of shelters for abused women is still uncertain post-budget Funding of shelters for abused women is still uncertain post-budget

Social protection is an important safety net for the poor yet not all will benefit from this. Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba this week delivered his budget speech in Parliament and announced the government’s plan to increase its spending on social protection from R193.4 billion in the next financial year to R223.9 billion by 2021.

Impressions from Parliament

This week South Africans got a glimpse into the state of South Africa’s finances and how it will affect their pocket when Finance Minister Malusi Gigaba delivered his budget speech in Parliament. Some have since labelled the budget as a “betrayal” and an “insult” to the poor. This backlash raises interesting questions on the level of public input in the budget. Very few ordinary South Africans get proper insight into the budgetary process or meaningfully participate in what is often a very complex process. This was highlighted recently in the Open Budget Survey 2017 showing South Africa may lead on budget transparency but disappoints in fostering public participation in the budget process.

OPPORTUNITY: Post-doctoral Research Fellowship in Multilevel Government

The South African Research Chair (SARChi) in Multilevel Government, Law and Policy, based at the Institute of Dullah Omar Institute (DOI) for Constitutional law, Governance and Human Rights of the University of the Western Cape, is pleased to announce a full-time post-doctoral research fellowship in multilevel government for 2018.


The Malawi High Court ruled that the arrest of 24 people, primarily women, during a police sweeping exercise, was unlawful. The applicants challenged their arrest and conviction for being idle and disorderly persons.

Abortion Bill set to spark fierce debate in Parliament Abortion Bill set to spark fierce debate in Parliament

From next year Parliament will be the battleground for a renewed standoff over the conditions under which pregnancies may be terminated. ACDP MP Cheryllyn Dudley’s Private Members Bill on the proposed amendments to the Choice on Termination of Pregnancy Act has already been slammed by rights groups and gender activists calling it a setback for women’s reproductive rights. Dudley, however, told ParlyBeat this “panic is unnecessary”.

NEWS ANALYSIS: Oversight no gentleman’s game

As Parliament this month gives itself the usual pat on the back for the “activism and responsiveness” displayed in the more than 1 400 committee meetings held this year, questions remain on how effective it exercised its oversight role in burning issues like irregularities in the Passenger Rail Agency (Prasa).

#Notourleaders: Parties given until February to respond to sexual harassment questions #Notourleaders: Parties given until February to respond to sexual harassment questions

Political parties were given a deadline of 1 February 2018 to respond to questions regarding internal sexual harassment policies and the number and outcomes of sexual misconduct complaints they have received. This followed the #NotourLeaders Campaign that recently put the spotlight on political parties’ handling of sexual misconduct complaints against members and government officials. It was found parties’ responses are often “insipid, sluggish and inconsistent”. The drivers of the campaign – the Dullah Omar Institute’s Women and Democracy Initiative, gender activist Lisa Vetten and Lawyers for Human Rights – are now calling for more decisive leadership and for policy gaps to be addressed.

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